Some Recollections of Little Dene

Some recollections about the original house known as Little Dene Lodore Road, High West Jesmond, Newcastle

Entrance to Little Dene from Moor Road (as it looks in 2022)

A heritage post by Gerald Ramshaw

From the end of WW2 until 1956 my younger brother and I used to visit Little Dene frequently and sometimes stay over for a few nights.  This was because in around 1930, Norah Ramshaw, an older sister of my father, married Jack Pringle, the youngest son in the Pringle family.  

Initially, my aunt and uncle lived in Glenthorn Road near to West Jesmond Station and had a son who was about 10 years older than me.  Then, shortly after the war, they moved into a suite of rooms in Little Dene, the Pringle family home, and that is when my knowledge of the house begins.  The others in the house were Jack’s older brothers, the twins Alex and Murray, and their sister, who was also called Norah.

Their father, Alexander Pringle, had been a major builder in the Newcastle and Gateshead areas during the late 19th and and first half of the 20th centuries.  By far the most important project of the firm was building the Royal Victoria Infirmary.  Other notable buildings, I was told at the time, were St James’ & St Basil’s Church on Fenham Hall Drive and the fire station in Pilgrim Street.  They also constructed the buildings for the BBC Radio Transmitter at Stagshaw and my uncle Jack often described riding up there on his motor cycle during the work.

Shortly after the RVI was constructed, the Pringles built Little Dene using, the family always said, the stones from the old buildings that were demolished.  Now, I don’t know whether they meant that these were from the old Newcastle Infirmary at Forth Banks that the RVI replaced or were from a building previously on the site of the new RVI.  Contrary to some suggestions, though, I can say clearly that the house was never painted white and, as with many buildings in those days of coal fires, the plain grey stones were actually quite grubby in places.

Come 1945 there was a tremendous shortage of housing due to wartime destruction and the government’s priority was to rebuild the stock as rapidly as possible.  Licences to build, however, were only granted to those firms that had been house builders before the war.  As Pringles, in the main, had only constructed major civic buildings and not houses, they could not obtain a licence and eventually the company ceased to trade.  Whether it actually went into liquidation or simply became dormant was never made clear and, as a child, I suppose that I had no need to know.

The inside of Little Dene was truly magnificent with three floors of very large rooms with high ceilings, dark polished wood floors, and enormous book collections.  I can remember browsing through hard back history books with glossy pictures, books about Edward VIII and some about the Coronation of his brother George VI.  I also recall that the highly polished hall floor was great for playing with some of my cousin’s pre-war  model cars!

My aunt and uncle, along with my cousin, occupied very large rooms on the first floor.  These were at the end of a very wide and dimly-lit passageway that I always found a little ‘spooky’ at night.  At the other end of this corridor was a very large bathroom, huge by the standard to which I was used.  The bath had a shower at one end consisting of a large shower head and a panel about six feet high that was curved around the end of the bath.  This panel had vertical pipes spaced around the inside with fine holes drilled along their length.  When the shower was selected, not only did water come from the shower head, it also came out as a sideways body spray from the holes in those vertical pipes.  A very clear image that I have is that the room was illuminated by an original carbon filament light bulb – the type with a large filament loop and where the glass was drawn to a point.

There was also another floor above but we hardly ever went up there and I don’t recall what the rooms contained.  I do, though, remember the stairways that connected both floors.  By comparison with our house, these stairs were enormous, about 8 feet wide and of highly polished dark wood, carpets with brass stair rods and with chunky, polished wood bannisters.

In my time, when most people visited, they entered the house from the rear in Lodore Road.  In the high stone wall that surrounded the grounds, there was a small door set in large, garage-type wooden doors that opened into a cobbled yard.  Off the yard was the rear entrance to the garage, an outside toilet and a wash room with tubs – no washing machines or driers then!  Another door led straight into the kitchen – a very large room with an enormous kitchen range on which much of the cooking was done for the twins by their sister.  There was a large scrubbed-top table where we ate most meals when visiting, bench seats in window alcoves and floor-to-ceiling built-in cupboards.  In front of the range was a long clothes drying rack that could be raised up to the ceiling with cords and pulleys.  

One door led off the kitchen into a fairly large, stone-floored scullery with a gas cooker and very large sink.  I do recall having fun with a large drum that was used for cleaning the silver knives.  For some reason that now escapes me, we small boys enjoyed the struggle of turning the handle to accomplish the process!

Another door led out of the kitchen into that wonderful hallway from which beautiful varnished dark-wood doors opened into to a dining room and a sitting room used by the twins and their sister.

One of the original Little Dene nameplates is still visible in 2022 (next to the door on Moor Road – see photograph above).

In Moor Road was another entrance through that stone wall.  Large, wooden, double gates opened onto a drive leading up a slope to the front of the house and to a separate, very large garage.  When the house was built, the garage had originally been a coach house with accommodation above for a groom.  With the demise of coaches and horses, this block was turned into a garage.  It was long enough to house three large saloon cars nose to tail and wide enough for the car doors to be fully opened without hitting the walls.  Vaguely, I think that there was a Lea-Francis and an Armstrong Siddeley and for certain I know that there was a chocolate brown Wolseley 12 (BTN 261) that belonged to my uncle Jack.  Then, you could tax cars for part of a year and the Wolseley was only ever taxed for the summer months.  Running down the centre of the floor underneath the cars was an inspection pit and there was a selection of tools on the walls.  The main maintenance work, though, was carried out above the garage where the groom’s quarters had been converted into a well-equipped workshop with substantial benches, drills and so on.  Engines could be raised up to these benches from below by hand using a chain hoist.

A view of the original Little Dene house (before it was demolished).

In front of the house, and overlooked by the twin’s rooms, was a terrace running the full width of the building and bounded by a low stone wall.  The terrace had wooden seats and at either end were stone steps leading down to a lawn which always seemed to be sprouting daisies.  On either side of the drive were trees running down to ‘the dene’, a small stream running roughly southwest to northeast.  It came out of a culvert about four feet diameter which had an ornamental stone surround that included a carved angel.  The stream flowed slowly out into a small pond probably about eight feet square with stepping stones at the downstream end.  Just beyond these was a small waterfall – just about four feet high – from which the stream continued through the site parallel with Moor Road.

On either side of this stretch of the stream was a fruit and vegetable garden.  We rarely ventured there, though, as it was the preserve of the twins who, although very pleasant to us, always seemed a little forbidding.  They belonged to an earlier era and still dressed in Edwardian garb with starched collars, striped trousers and black jackets.  Whenever they went out, they also wore bowler hats.  The ‘other’ Norah, their sister, was a lovely lady who was always extremely nice to us, wanting to know how we were getting on at school and so on.

My association with the house ended in 1956 when my family moved to Sutton Coldfield near Birmingham.  I did make return visits to Newcastle to stay with my aunt and uncle but, by then, they had moved out of Little Dene to a bungalow in North Gosforth – Gosforth Park Villas in Coach Lane.  Here, my uncle with the assistance of one of the twins (Murray, I think) made significant improvements.  

Remember, the Pringles has been high quality builders and they proved it at the bungalow.  

They relaid the drains to such a standard that the local buildings inspector brought along a group of students to see something that they would normally only find in text books.  Although the original company was defunct, the family still retained a builders yard somewhere in Gateshead.  The twins used to visit this fairly regularly to keep an eye on what was said to be some high quality materials.  Amongst these was some oak which they used to create a wonderful oak-panelled wall for the bungalow living room and for which they hand carved oak rosettes.  It was magnificent but perhaps just a little OTT for a bungalow living room!  I wonder if it’s still there!

So that’s it, some personal recollections of Little Dene from childhood to teenager.  One regret is that I don’t have any photographs of the place.  I did have a camera from the age of 10 but the cost of film limited my use of it to important occasions such as holidays.  Unfortunately as it now turns out, routine visits to Little Dene were just a little too ‘normal’ to justify taking any pictures.  That’s how history disappears!

All I have now are a few pictures of my aunt and uncle along with other friends and family when on holiday at Seahouses.

With thanks to Gerald Ramshaw for sharing his memories of the former Little Dene house with us.

Banqueting Hall in Jesmond Dene

Banqueting House in Jesmond Dene. Photo courtesy Tyne & Wear Building Preservation Trust

Members of the public are invited to comment on the Charity Commission’s proposed changes to Lord Armstrong’s Deed of Gift dated 1883 as it relates to the Banqueting Hall and Jesmond Dene Park.

The following announcement has been released by the JRA:

Urgent Update: The Banqueting Hall and the Charity Commission – The Armstrong and Hodgkin Charitable Trust

As the Jesmond Residents’ Association’s representative for matters relating to the Banqueting Hall and the Jesmond Dene Estate, I have responded to the charity Commission’s proposed changes to Lord Armstrong’s Deed of Gift dated 1883 as it relates to the Banqueting Hall and Jesmond Dene Park.

Banqueting House in Jesmond Dene. Photo courtesy Tyne & Wear Building Preservation Trust

JRA concerns expressed

The Jesmond Residents’ Association has raised a strong objection highlighting a number of significant issues which must be taken into consideration before any changes are made.

In brief:

1. The poor quality of the consultation regarding the proposed changes by Newcastle City Council. This demonstrates a lack of fairness and openness, and unseemly and unnecessary haste.

It does not demonstrate or reflect the opinions of Jesmond residents or indeed the citizens of Newcastle.

2. The lack of clarity regarding the fate of the four endowment properties held within the Jesmond Dene estate.

The income generated from these properties is ring fenced for the management, upkeep and restoration of the Banqueting Hall as stated in Lord Armstrong’s Deed of Gift.

3. The actual intentions behind the proposed changes have not been made clear by Newcastle City Council or the new Newcastle Parks and Allotments Trust.

The use of Jesmond Dene and the function of the Banqueting Hall were clearly separated by Lord Armstrong’s Deed of Gift. This was for good reason and we do not know why this should be changed.

The Banqueting Hall as a “controlled ruin” is used by the Armstrong Studio Trust and it fulfils Lord Armstrong’s intentions with their outreach activities. Many activities take place within Jesmond Dene which again fulfil Lord Armstrong’s intentions within the Deed of Gift.

4. The current financial effectiveness of Lord Armstrong Deed of Gift is under review by Newcastle City Council which is appropriate. However, there are a number of ideas and proposals from interested parties regarding sourcing funds which should be discussed publicly and openly by Newcastle City Council and Newcastle Parks and Allotments Trust.

Your opportunity to comment

Comments or representations on these proposals can be made to the Charity Commission within one month of 01 June 2019 by completing the form of notice on

The scheme number is 494310

I would strongly recommend that you make your voices heard and respond to the Charity Commission proposal. Eileen Strouzer

The above news story was issued by Jesmond Residents’ Association. It has been included here for information and does not necessarily represent the views of High West Jesmond Residents’ Association. 

Walk the bounds 2019 – a tour of High West Jesmond

Join us for a fascinating tour of High West Jesmond and learn more about the history of our community

We are delighted to invite you to our 2019 walking tour of ‘the bounds’ of High West Jesmond.

This will once again be led by Chris Morgan who residents will remember led us on a facinating tour during 2018.  Chris has also kindly shared some of his photographs of High West Jesmond’s past that we have featured on this website.

Date: Sunday 2 June 2019

Time: 10.30am

Meeting place: outside Delicious Decadence, Newlands Road, NE2 3NT

The tour will take approximately 2 hours and will explain the last 200 years of this special area on the border of Jesmond and Gosforth.

It will be illustrated with many old photographs and tales from Chris Morgan’s personal memory and those of his mother who played here before many of the houses were built.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday 3 June.

Download a copy of the Walking the Bounds of High West Jesmond event poster here. 

FOVALD appreciation of Susan Lydia Challoner

Plaque commissioned by FOVALD’s Lending a Hand group to show appreciation to former resident who donated the ‘gap in the wall’

The Friends of the Valley, Little Dene and Little Dene Park’s (FOVALD) Lending a Hand Group has recently commissioned a new plaque to tell the story of the ‘hole in the wall’ at Little Dene Park.

On Friday 8 February Catherine McKinnell MP was invited to unveil the plaque commemorating the gift by Susan Lydia Challoner of the ‘gap in the wall’ that gives us all a short cut on to Moor Road South.

The plaque has been commissioned by FOVALD’s Lending a Hand Group that now looks after the Little Dene Park in addition to the Valley and Little Dene.

Members of FOVALD, the Lending a Hand Group and local High West Jesmond residents attended the ceremony to learn more about the generosity of Susan Lydia Challoner and the history of this part of High West Jesmond.

Who was Susan Lydia Challoner?

The plaque commemorates a lady called Susan Lydia Challoner who lived in Moor Road South between 1936 and 1953.

The park, which we now know as Little Dene Park, was constructed by the Newcastle City Council in 1952-53.

Mrs Challoner, who died in that year, bequeathed the money to pay for the entrance from Moor Road South.

The ‘hole in the wall’ has become a very well used route for residents in Gosforth and High West Jesmond.

The original plaque commemorating Mrs Challoners gift disappeared around 1990.

As part of FOVALD’s environmental improvement plan for the Little Dene Park they decided to reinstate the plaque.

FOVALD’s Lending a Hand Group tapped into resident’s memories to find the wording that best reflected the original and they commissioned the new plaque from Thorpes of Gosforth.

FOVALD caring for our green spaces

FOVALD (Friends of the Valley, the Little Dene and Little Dene Park) a small voluntary organisation based in High West Jesmond.

They have adopted the Valley from the City Council and the Little Dene Park from the City’s Freemen (it is part of the Town Moor).

FOVALD also look after the original Little Dene as a nature resource.

On Tuesday mornings, FOVALD organise’s a group called Lending a Hand that does the maintenance & improvement work on the green spaces in this part of High West Jesmond, as well as keeping all the other verges and paths in the area tidy.

Many thanks to FOVALD and to the Lending a Hand group for their ongoing work to enhance our community green spaces.

Chris Morgan also writes to share some history

When the High West Jesmond estate was first laid out Moorfield stopped at the now triangular junction with Lodore Road.

The main way into HWJ from the Great North Road was by the path that cut across the Little Moor.

However there must also have been a path leading from that corner to the bottom of Moor Road where the Little Bridge still crossed the Craghall Burn. My mother remembered playing in the stream at that point.

It must have been very soon after WW1 that Moorfield was extended through to the Great North Road and the stream went into a culvert to emerge in the grounds of the old house, Little Dene.

Boundary of Newcastle

At this time the stream formed the boundary between the City and County of Newcastle upon Tyne and the County of Northumberland. On the surface the stone wall was the boundary.

The Little Moor is part of the Town Moor owned by the Freemen, but this part of the Little Moor was now isolated.

Little Park

In 1952 the Freemen released the area north of Moorfield to form a Coronation Park (there must have been thousands of others across the nation, it was a time of great euphoria and celebration), although it wasn’t known as such. We all called it the Little Park.

The flower beds created were almost totally of clay and little grew for decades! I believe they may still be a challenge.

When the park was laid out there was a path extending around the perimeter with a dead end spur ending beside the stone wall. If memory serves correctly my friend Tony Devine’s bike/trike/scooter ran away down the gradient and he crashed into the wall, badly breaking his arm.

Hole in the wall

A clamour grew to have the wall opened up to allow free passage onto Moor Road South. It may not have happened for 2 or 3 years after 1953.

A simple plaque was positioned and the name Challoner was on it. There may have been another name as well.

Twice a day nuns from the convent just up Moor Road walked through the gap to and from La Sagesse school at the top of Matthew Bank.

Railings in High West Jesmond

Have you ever thought about the railings around the sreeets of High West Jesmond?

A heritage post by Chris Morgan

Recently the subject of the original iron railings came up.

A few samples have survived, almost all on corners, which leaves one to suspect this was policy.

I’d previously spotted sections that could have been deep in a privet hedge, but most of these samples pictured here couldn’t have been hidden in a hedge.

Several houses have added their own replacements and one near the bottom of Treherne Road gets very close to the original.

How many more sections have survived?

Walk the bounds – a tour of High West Jesmond

Find out more about the fascinating history of High West Jesmond and join us for a guided walk with Chris Morgan on Sunday 3 June 2018.

Find out more on our Walk the Bounds page.

Front garden in Kingswood Avenue

A heritage post by Chris Morgan

Not too many years ago my wife’s parents received a spontaneous award for their garden in Albemarle – don’t know who used to judge it.

This is an old fading picture of the front garden in Kingswood Avenue with my father proudly standing beside his modest effort.

He was a national Britain in Bloom judge getting as far as Plymouth one year.

Walk the bounds – a tour of High West Jesmond

Find out more about the fascinating history of High West Jesmond and join us for a guided walk with Chris Morgan on Sunday 3 June 2018.

Find out more on our Walk the Bounds page.