Purdah delays Blue House steering group meeting

Blue House plans delayed

The Blue House Roundabout steering group was due to meet in early May however the announcement of the General Election has meant that the next (and possibly final) meeting of the steering group has been delayed until 19 June.

What is purdah?

The term ‘purdah’ is in use across central and local government to describe the period of time immediately before elections or referendums when specific restrictions on the activity of civil servants are in place. The terms ‘pre-election period’ and ‘period of sensitivity’ are also used.

You can read more about purdah in a research briefing on parliament.uk

Purdah impact on local government

The research article on parliament.uk notes that there is statutory guidance for local authorities about publicity during the period just before local elections. The pre-election period is defined as beginning with the publication of notice of the election. In 2017, the latest date for the publication of the notice of election in England and Wales was 27 March 2017. In Scotland, returning officers were directed to publish notice of elections on the earliest day possible, which was 13 March 2017.

The Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity is issued under section 4 of the Local Government Act 1986. The Local Government Association has published Purdah: a short guide to publicity during the pre-election period which gives further information

Blue House plans to be circulated later in year

Once the Blue House Steering Group meeting has taken place and the plans become available, High West Jesmond Residents’ Association will circulate further information about the council’s plans.

The website for the steering group is accessible to anyone who is interested to see minutes and information pertaining to all the meetings to date. The web address is bluehousegroup.org

Communal bins to be imposed on residents?

General Election candidates asked for their views on communal bins

At the most recent meeting of High West Jesmond Residents’ Association a strong majority of residents expressed opposition to the proposed introduction of communal bins.

The reasons for the opposition included:

  • The ugliness of having large bins located in back lanes
  • The increased likelihood of fly-tipping around the bins
  • The inconvenience of having to take every bag of rubbish outside to a communal bin
  • Reduced access to garages and the back lanes generally
  • Possibility of increased crime as bins are used to gain access to property.

Residents’ Association made representations to council

The Residents Association has made representations to the council and specifically asked for the council to consult with residents on whether or not it is desirable to introduce communal bins in this area.

The council has so far refused to engage in any meaningful consultation with us and has stated they plan to introduce communal bins in all appropriate areas which, we believe, will include High West Jesmond.

We asked each of the candidates for Newcastle North to comment

Given this response from the council, we have written to all the candidates to be our local MP at the forthcoming General Election and asked them to outline their position on the issue of communal bins. Their responses are summarised below.

Duncan Crute (Conservative)

Newcastle City Council must conduct a thorough and detailed consultation with residents of High West Jesmond over the introduction of communal dumpsters. I am personally against the introduction of communal dumpsters for the following reasons:

  1. The residents of High West Jesmond pay their council tax and are entitled to have a wheelie bin collection, just like other residents throughout the city of Newcastle upon Tyne.
  2. It has been documented throughout other cities that Communal dumpsters attract fly tippers. Thus creating an environmental problem to deal with.
  3. The communal dumpsters smell bad, this in turn attracts rats, foxes and other vermin.
  4. Pensioners in other cities have complained they have to carry bags and rubbish for long distances and then lift heavy lids to dispose of their rubbish.
Anita Lower (Liberal Democrat)

I am opposed to communal bins unless residents fully support them. They are causing problems in the ward I represent with fly tipping and mess. I cannot see any advantage in imposing these on residents apart from cutting costs and I have seen no evidence that they do cut costs.

Timothy Marron (UKIP)

No response received.

Catherine McKinnell (Labour)

I know that the proposed roll-out of communal bins by the City Council is causing a good deal of concern amongst many High West Jesmond residents – and that’s why I have sought to represent these concerns to the Chief Executive, the relevant Cabinet Member and officers both formally in writing, and in meetings.

I am particularly keen to ensure that local residents are properly consulted before any such changes are introduced, and that the outcome of this consultation is taken into account when any final decisions are taken on this issue. I do not want to see such changes simply imposed on local residents, and will therefore continue to press the City Council for meaningful consultation on this issue. 

Brian Moore (Putting North of England People First)

I am opposed to the roll out of communal bins. The collection of rubbish is the one basic service that every resident sees the council deliver for them. Given the level of council tax in the city, every household should be able to expect this service. Communal bins have already been introduced in parts of the west end of the city and Heaton. Despite their claims to the contrary, the council’s consultation with residents was next to non-existent. I have been told that the communal bins simply lack the capacity to deal with all of the rubbish. 

The council claimed that communal bins would make back lanes less cluttered but the reality seems to be different with complaints of bins not being collected for 3 weeks and letters from streets away turning up in the back lane. This, combined with fly tipping, has made life miserable for many local people. 

Alison Whalley (Green) 

Our guiding principles on dealing with waste is the 3 R’s – Reduce the potential for waste, maximise the capacity for Repair and re-use, and invest in proper and effective Recycling schemes.

More specifically this is our approach to the introduction of communal bins in appropriate  areas:

  • The council should consult residents properly with an evidence- based approach. We definitely recognise that one size fits all is not a solution, but in respect of areas with back lanes the use of communal bins has been beneficial and litter problems have been reduced.
  • Most importantly, communal bins are introduced only after proper consultation and with the agreement of the majority of the residents.
  • There should be a good information campaign in advance of their introduction for the particular streets concerned and a repeat information campaign once the bins are in place.
  • Bins for recycling designed in such a way as to take appropriate items and to minimise the chance of general waste going into them.
  • Additional patrols for the first 4-6 weeks to ensure the bins are being used properly and to pick up any potential problems early.
  • An active programme to replace damaged/ illegible bins.
  • A repeat programme in the year especially at a time when new residents may arrive e.g. students.

Share your views with the cabinet member responsible for communal bins

High West Jesmond Residents’ Association will continue to attempt to engage with the council and would encourage any resident who feels strongly about this issue to write to the Newcastle City Council cabinet member responsible for this policy (Cllr Nick Kemp) at the following address nick.kemp@newcastle.gov.uk

More pathways cleared – the Lending a Hand group

High West Jesmond residents enhance community footpaths

With street cleaning services being yet another service under pressure as a result of “austerity”, local residents have stepped into the breach!

For the last 3 months a group of High West Jesmond residents have cleaned and edged the Moorfield footpath that runs alongside the allotments & the Little Moor, the footpath across the Little Moor from Moorfield to the Great North Road and has started on the paths that cross the triangle of open space next to Little Dene flats.

The difference is quite startling – few of the paths had been edged for at least 10-15 years.

50 barrowloads removed

The group has removed over 50 barrowloads of crushed leaves, soil and grass edgings! All this material has been recycled within the Little Moor Allotments site. We are also exploring the possibility of “adopting” some of the shrub beds & borders on the Triangle.

Meet the Lending a Hand group

The group is called “Lending a Hand”. There are 12 of us – all High West Jesmond residents (bar 1!) and very friendly! We meet on Tuesday mornings at 09:30 and work ‘til approx 12:00.

We have been using equipment borrowed from the Allotment Association and from the Friends of Gosforth Central Park.

So if you would like to help just come along (we’ll be working on the Triangle for the next 3-4 Tuesdays) you would be very welcome. Contact us through the normal channels our via the Contact Us page.

Step by step guide to downloading your bin calendar

Newcastle City Council guide on how to download bin calendar

We thought we would share this short video with you. Newcastle City Council have recently placed this on their YouTube channel and it explains how you can download the rubbish bin and recycling bin calendar.

The video is clear and helpful and shows you what the actual bin calendar looks like with collection dates in green and blue to match the colour of the wheelie bins (green for general rubbish and blue for recycling).

Sadly the two colours do not show up particularly clearly when printed in black and white if you are trying to save the pennies on colour printer ink – maybe Newcastle City Council will amend the colour scheme slightly to make this more clearly visible next year.

Here is the link to the bin calendar page on Newcastle City Council’s website.

Community work enhances Little Moor paths

Volunteers continue work to maintain pathways

Thanks to volunteers from High West Jesmond residents the enhancements to some of the paths in our community are quite startling!

Parts of the tarmac path on the Little Moor that probably hadn’t seen daylight for 20 years was exposed from the community work this morning. We completed the section from Moorfield up to the junction with the main Little Moor footpath-cycleway. We’ll start the section across to the Great North Road next.

Interested in helping out – please join us!

The next session is at 0930 on Tuesday 11 April, meeting on the Little Moor path.  If there are any more residents or FOVALD (Friends of teh Valley and Little Dene) supporters who would like to lend a hand, then please come along and grab a brush, spade, shovel or wheelbarrow. It’s good fun, good exercise and makes a significant contribution to the appearance of our community.

Community volunteers enhance paths

Noticed an improvement to the edging of some of the paths in High West Jesmond?

It’s all down to the voluntary work of some of our residents – read on and find out how they have been ‘Lending a Hand’.

Hi – a short note to say thanks a lot for helping out this morning. We ended up with 11 on the day – a few more than I expected!

A group of local residents have got together to enhance the condition of some of the paths that run across our community.  There were 11 volunteers in total on the first morning.

The work was quite physical and “clarty” and  an hour and a half’s work was probably enough for everybody for the first morning. We completed approximately half the length of the Moorfield footpath running alongside the allotments. The plan is to complete the rest of it next Tuesday.

The ground was very wet this morning which probably slowed things down a bit (plus we were all on a learning curve!). The consequence was that the footpath was difficult to clean and the edge could do with some more straightening. So, if it remains fine this week, we’ll spend some time on Friday morning cleaning up a bit.

Photo above is after the work, and the photo below is what it looked like before we started.

Thanks very much everyone for your hard work and volunteering your time and thanks to Sarah for the great coffee which was much appreciated by the Lending a Hand team (otherwise known as the HWJ Enviro Team).