2017 FOVALD Annual Report

Friends of the Valley and Little Dene Annual Report

2017 Committee Annual Report

Although 2017 was a dormant year in terms of organised events on the Valley, it did prove to be significant for two contrasting reasons.

Thank you Warwick

The first was, sadly, losing Warwick Ogden. From his family home he had overlooked the Valley since the early 1970’s and soon became the “guardian” of what was a rather neglected open space.

The Valley, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne – mid 1960’s

He witnessed and contributed to the renaissance of the Valley from being a sparsely surrounded field in the years following the Council’s 1960’s tipping contract, to the beautiful open space that it now is.

He was one of our founder members. So we owe a big thank you to Warwick for all his efforts over 45 years.

The Valley, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne in 2016

Lending a Hand

The second is that FOVALD members spread their wings during 2017.

As well as looking after the Valley surrounds and the Little Dene, a sub-group was formed, Lending a Hand, to do the landscape maintenance work in HWJ that the City Council has stopped doing, mainly on Moorfield, Little Moor and  Freeman’s Park (which we now know as Litle Dene Park)).

The group meets once a week and started in early March.

By December, over 1 km of footpaths had been edged; approx 140 barrow/bag loads of leaves collected; and lots of trees & shrubs pruned.

One of the aims is to recycle all compostable material.

FOVALD adopts further park

Freeman’s Park is Town Moor land and the quality of our work persuaded the City’s Freemen to agree to FOVALD adopting the park on a similar basis to the adoption agreement that we have with the City Council for the Valley.

This means that we have responsibility for looking after all of the open spaces that abut HWJ to the north and west, i.e. the Valley, Little Dene and Freeman Park.

All lie within the City’s defined “wildlife corridor”, so we have the opportunity to introduce changes that will not only benefit and enhance the landscape but also wildlife.

So a big thank you to all residents who have contributed.

Little Moor path – the start of work by FOVALD’s Lending a Hand group, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne
Little Moor path – nearly finished! Work undertaken by FOVALD’s Lending a Hand group, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne

The Landscape     

There was little change to report  regarding the Valley’s trees & shrubs.

The ash trees have not succumbed to “die-back” and even the old lilac on the north side, which predated the 1962 “levelling contract”, continued to bloom.

It was good to see “Joanna’s” cherry tree, on Lodore Road next to the garage, starting to make a significant contribution!

Two pear trees and another apple were planted close to an existing apple tree in the north-east corner, close to the blackberry patch – perhaps the start of a “community orchard”?

There are  2-3 trees in Little Dene that are overhanging Lodore Road that will probably need intervention during 2018.

More work was undertaken keeping weeds at bay and it is good to see that the hollies & hazels planted 5 years ago are gradually starting to form an understorey.

A lot of shrub pruning and tree “crown lifting” was carried out on Freeman’s Park, to improve visibility both within and alongside the space and to improve the structure of the plants.

A landscape action plan was produced for 2018 which received approval from the Freemen. This includes the further pruning of trees & shrubs bordering Little Dene flats, which will be the subject of consultation.

A disappointment was the loss of a substantial part of a beautiful “choisya” bush through vandalism. We are hopeful it can be nurtured back to prime condition.


During last winter, bird feeders were placed on the Valley close to the Little Dene.

They have attracted a variety of birds. The most notable seen on the Valley being a woodcock, a bullfinch and a lesser spotted woodpecker.

A recent bird survey in Jesmond Dene also recorded sightings of bullfinches and the lesser spotted woodpecker, plus many species that were recorded in the 2016 FOVALD survey.

This is good news in that it is evidence of the wildlife link between Jesmond Dene and the Valley & the Little Dene.

Grey squirrels continue to occupy the trees in our area.

However, it is also interesting to note that otters have recently been seen in the Dene beside Fisherman’s Lodge.

Several years ago, footprints were seen in the mud beside the culvert entrance in Little Dene and it was suspected, at that time, that the prints may have been an otter’s. Another possible wildlife  corridor link!

Use of the Valley and Freeman’s Park

Without doubt, the most popular use of the Valley in 2017 was dog walking and adult socialising!

People walk around the Valley at all times of the day, with early mornings and lunchtimes being times when people tend to congregate, chat and network.

It has been described as an “outdoor community centre”!

The dryer summer months saw the usual ball games, picnics and “congregations” – large numbers of young people meeting on the Valley on some summer evenings.

Freeman’s Park is different. It is a place to pass through rather than a destination.

However, it is an attractive space and the 4 seats available are frequently used by residents wishing to sit and relax before continuing their journey.

It may be useful to undertake a user count during 2018.

Freeman Park (now also known as Little Dene Park) after maintenance work carried out by FOVALD, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne
Joanna’s cherry tree, the Valley, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne

Committee of Friends of the Valley and Little Dene
February 2018

Read more: You can read more about the work of FOVALD and see a plan of the Valley, Little Dene and Little Dene Park on the FOVALD page.

New SPACE for Jesmond group

SPACE for Gosforth is extending into the Jesmond area under the name SPACE for Jesmond.

As High West Jesmond sits between Gosforth and Jesmond then residents may be interested in knowing about or joining this group.

SPACE stands for “safe pedestrian and cycling environment”.

The Jesmond group will provide a forum for residents interested in making Jesmond better for walking, cycling and street play, as well as monitoring air quality in the area.

The group aims to carry on work done as part of the Streets For People consultation and promote the benefits of investing in people friendly spaces in Jesmond.

The work will likely include:

  • Liaising with Newcastle City Council and Ward Councillors
  • Flagging up safety issues for people on foot or bike
  • Addressing rat running and speeding in Jesmond
  • Engaging with consultations and council forums
  • Working towards a better Jesmond for children
  • Promoting active and sustainable travel in the area, including school travel
    Managing on-line accounts on Twitter and Facebook
  • Publishing material on www.spaceforjesmond.com

If you’d like to receive information from the group, or are interested in taking a more active role, then you can get in touch with SPACE for Jesmond via one of the following methods:

email: spaceforjesmond@gmail.com
twitter: @SPACEforJesmond
facebook: PENDING

Killingworth Road re-opening delayed by gas works

Newcastle City Council are advising motorists of a delay to the re-opening of Killingworth Road (A189) in Gosforth due to over-running gas diversion works.

The following news release has been issued by Newcastle City Council:

Dealys to gas diversion works at Killingworth Road, Newcastle

Essential gas works are currently taking place by Northern Gas Networks to divert three gas mains away from the section of carriageway due for improvement as part of the council’s multi-million road improvement scheme.

Due to unforeseen complications during this phase, the council say this part of the project is facing a 12-week delay and the road will now re-open in June.

This is due to two separate discoveries of asbestos and also the condition of an existing high pressure water pipe which also needed to be moved before the gas diversion works could continue.

Andy Coyne, project manager for Northern Gas Networks (NGN) said: “Moving three major gas pipes, whilst keeping the gas supplies running to the 35,000 homes and businesses they feed – especially during this cold snap – was always a challenging and complex task and was scheduled to take 27 weeks.

“This was made all the more testing by the discovery of asbestos at two points in the works which had to be safely removed due to the health dangers it presents, as well as working with Northumbrian Water to divert a water main due to the condition and integrity of the main when fully exposed within our excavations.

“These unavoidable issues have had an impact on our project timeline, but we have been working closely with the council to see how we can recover lost time on the project and keep the delay to a minimum. We apologise for any inconvenience.”

Over £13.5m is being invested into this well-known pinch-point on the network, which has seen the installation of a new Metro bridge and will see a road-widening scheme to include an additional bus lane, and widened pavements along with more space for vehicles.

The gas industry has very tight restrictions on where pipes can be sited near pavements and roads. As the council are building a new wall and road where the gas pipes are currently located, they need to be diverted before construction on the new carriageway can begin.

Cllr Arlene Ainsley, Cabinet Member for Transport and Air Quality:The Killingworth Road scheme was progressing well until asbestos was detected underground. Asbestos is a toxic substance which had to be carefully removed before the gas works could safely continue.

“Then there was the issue with a major water pipe which needed to be relocated due to health and safety reasons,which also had to be rectified. Unfortunately these issues have impacted on NGN’s schedule and we are looking at a 12-week delay to the re-opening of the road.

“Although the delay is regrettable, impacting on commuters and construction costs, they are not unusual when it comes to digging up roads. Under our roads there are a labyrinth of utility pipes and old infrastructure which can raise unexpected issues, which has happened in this case.

“We would like to reassure everyone that we are doing everything we can to open the road as soon as possible. We apologise for the extended inconvenience to commuters and everyone affected and we are committed to allowing traffic on Killingworth Road as soon as it is safe to do so, once the gas works are finished.”

The council say the road needs to remain closed until the gas works are fully complete. This is due to NGN creating a series of bypass pipes to re-route the gas whilst they excavate and install new pipes. As the new connector pipes are temporary, they will remain over ground, so the area needs to be secured away from the public. The road can only re-open once all the pipe works are complete and buried underground.

Once this phase of gas works is complete and traffic is using Killingworth Road, the council will then start the road widening scheme but this has been carefully phased to minimise impact on commuters. This highways widening scheme is scheduled to last until December 2018.

Once complete the scheme will reduce congestion, improve air quality, reduce journey times, improve public transport reliability and improve safety for people on foot and bikes to one of the busiest commuter routes into Newcastle.

The above news release was issued by Newcastle City Council and included on the Newcastle City Council website. It has been included here for information and does not necessarily represent the views of High West Jesmond Residents’ Association.

Chair and Trustees sought for Newcastle parks charity

Newcastle City Council is seeking a Chair and Trustees for the new charity  it is setting up to look after parks and open spaces in Newcastle.

The following news release has been issued by Newcastle City Council:

An innovative, independent charity being set up by Newcastle City Council to run the city’s parks and allotments is seeking a dynamic Chair and Trustees (directors) for the founding Board.

The proposal for a charitable solution passed successfully through the City Council’s Cabinet in November of 2017. The proposal for the Newcastle Parks Trust has been three years in the making after extensive research and public consultation to remedy a situation where 90% of the parks budget has been culled due to Government cuts over a seven-year period.

In a pioneering approach towards parks and green spaces, this is a UK first of this size and ambition, and presents a major opportunity to bring fresh ideas, impetus and aspiration to a city with some of Europe’s proudest and heritage soaked green spaces.

The work has seen Newcastle City Council work alongside its partners the National Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund to develop a vision that will allow parks and greenspaces to flourish in future, and identify alternative solutions to manage and fund parks and allotments in the city for future generations.

The City Council, assisted by the National Trust, is now seeking to recruit 11 trustees, one of which will be the inaugural Chair – two further Trustees will be nominated by the City Council itself. The successful candidates will be from a range of backgrounds and have a diverse skillset. These posts are voluntary yet hugely influential – these pivotal figures will shape the future of Newcastle’s parks and allotments well into the future.

Newcastle City Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture and Communities, Cllr Kim McGuinness, said: “The new Parks Trust will be tasked with taking the passion Newcastle has for our parks, allotments and greenspaces and using it to safeguard these city assets.

“The Chair and Board of Trustees will be advocates for our parks. They will build valuable partnerships and play a vital role in bringing to life the Parks Trust’s vision. It’s a great opportunity to work closely with enthusiastic volunteer groups, businesses and funding bodies to help Newcastle’s parks and allotments prosper for years to come.

“Our parks are incredibly valued by our residents and are a big part of what makes Newcastle a great place to live, work and visit. It’s important they grow and thrive. This is an exciting time for us as we make history as the first city to implement a parks trust as a delivery model for parks. We’re looking for a Chair who shares our enthusiasm for the success of our wonderful parks and appreciates all of the reasons our residents love them so much.”

The Council will make a total £9.5 million revenue contribution to the Newcastle Parks Trust over the first 10 years of its operation, which demonstrates its commitment to the future of the city’s parks and allotments.

The charity will potentially be responsible for around 409 hectares of Newcastle parks (33 parks in total) and allotments – 15.5% of the city’s total open space. The Parks Trust’s remit would cover principal, countryside and neighbourhood parks, playgrounds in parks and allotments.

National Trust Director of the North, Harry Bowell, said: “This is a great opportunity to help shape the future of Newcastle’s parks and allotments. We’re proud to support Newcastle City Council in recruiting a group of driven and dynamic individuals to secure the future of Newcastle’s green spaces.”

How to apply

People interested in applying for either the Chair or Board of Trustees positions need to return a covering letter and CV explaining how they meet the requirements of the described roles, by email to futureparks@nationaltrust.org.uk by midnight on Monday 12 February 2018. This is the same email address to request an information pack.

The job advertisement in full can be found at North East Jobs here.

For further information about the parks transformation and the partnership between the National Trust and Newcastle City Council please visit: www.futureparks.org

There will also be a series of meetings being delivered across the city to inform the public about future plans. These will take place at the following times and locations:

Jesmond Dene Visitor Centre – Saturday 10 February, 12pm to 1pm
Nunsmoor Centre – Monday 12 February, 7pm to 8pm
Civic Centre – Tuesday 13 February, 7pm to 8pm
Allotments session – Civic Centre – Saturday 24 February, 12pm to 1pm

The above news release was issued by Newcastle City Council and included on the Newcastle City Council website. It has been included here for information and does not necessarily represent the views of High West Jesmond Residents’ Association.

Blue House Working Group makes recommendations

Recommendations from the Blue House Working Group have been issued for consideration by Newcastle City Council.

The following news release has been issued by the Blue House Working Group:

The Blue House roundabout, High West Jesmond, Newcastle

The thoughtful and constructive contributions of the Blue House Roundabout Working Group members, has helped the independent chair of the group, John Dales, to come to a recommendation for Newcastle City Council.

That recommendation and the rationale that underpins it is set out below.

Recommendation from Blue House Working Group

Click here to download the recommendation from the Working Group in PDF format.

Position Statement from Blue House Working Group

Click here to download the position statement from the Working Group in PDF format.

Drawing A shows the change recommended

Drawings A and B, below, set out the scope of change recommended at the Blue House junction in the immediate future (A), and how this could be further built upon in the future to increase traffic capacity (B).

These layouts have arisen from an iterative design process involving scrutiny by the Working Group and traffic modelling to understand capacity issues.

Further modelling work is now needed to develop a detailed design and ensure that change at Blue House does as much as possible to improve road safety and enable walking, cycling and bus travel, while providing sufficient capacity for general traffic.

Recommendation Drawing A – Modified Blue House Roundabout and walk / cycle facilities

Click here to download Drawing A in PDF format.

Recommendation Drawing B – how Blue House Roundabout could be further enlarged in the future

Click here to download Drawing B in PDF format.

Jesmond Dene Road changes

In addition, Drawing C sets out the recommended changes for Jesmond Dene Road as far as the junction with Matthew Bank. The layout allows vehicles to make all turns at the Osborne Road junction, and includes a new signalised pedestrian crossing facility across the Osborne Road arm.

To provide a better level of service for people walking, the signalised junction with Moorfield should be modified and a new, signalised walking/cycling crossing should be installed just west of the Friday Fields path. Protected tracks and other measures to enable cycling are also recommended.

Drawing C – Jesmond Dene Road / Moorfield

Click here to download Drawing C in PDF format.

The above news release was issued by the Blue House Working Group and included on the Blue House Working Group website. It has been included here for information and does not necessarily represent the views of High West Jesmond Residents’ Association.

HWJRA Chair comments

Nick Moore from High West Jesmond Residents’ Association said; “My experience of participating in the Blue House Working Group has been a very positive one.

“The final proposal reflects what the group believes is the “best fit’ taking into account the key considerations of safety, capacity, efficiency and visual amenity. It was clearly impossible to provide everything that everybody wanted but by the end of the process the group were all happy with the final recommendation.

“I am very happy that the council took the approach that they did and hope that this can become a model for engagement with local residents and other stakeholders for any future projects of major significance.”

Public meeting planned

A public meeting will be organised to discuss the recommendations at some time in February – further details to follow.

Background reading

You can read the response from Newcastle City Council here – Council welcomes residents input into Blue House junction proposals


Pledge to reduce street clutter with Newcastle Street Charter

Newcastle City Council has pledged to work with local disabled people to tackle the growing issue of street clutter and improve accessibility in the city.

The Newcastle Street Charter, which is the second to be agreed in the North East, is the first in the UK to include actions to tackle the issue disabled people face due to taxi drivers refusing to carry assistance dogs and cyclists riding on pavements.

Working with RNIB

Newcastle’s Street Charter was developed alongside RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) and 18 pan-disability organisations, including Newcastle Disability Forum.

The charter was launched on on 18 December 2017 at Newcastle Civic Centre and also aims to address the growing problem of street obstacles; bollards, advertising boards, bins, cars parked on pavements, and shared space schemes.

Survey results published in RNIB’s My Voice report revealed that a third of blind and partially sighted people of pension age had collided with an obstacle on the pavement in the last three months.

The estimated number of people living with sight loss in Newcastle is 7,770.

RNIB and disabled campaigners across the UK have called on local authorities to review their street policies and to consult with local disabled people on what changes they most want to see.

Angus Huntley, RNIB Volunteer Campaign Coordinator and Newcastle Vision Support Empowerment Officer, said: “We hope Newcastle’s Street Charter will give local people with sight loss more confidence when they are out and about, without constantly worrying about the hazards around them.”

Alison Blackburn, Chair of Newcastle Disability Forum, said “The Newcastle Street Charter is a good example of partnership working. It builds on the work that the forum has been doing for 30 years along with Newcastle City Council and other disability organisations to improve access and encourage everyone to use our beautiful city.”

Mark Burnett, Head of Mobility Services for Guide Dogs North East, said: “We welcome the launch of the Newcastle Street Charter. “Guide Dogs is pleased that Newcastle City Council is supporting people who are blind or partially sighted, to move around safely and with confidence and live the life they choose.”

Joyce McCarty, Deputy Leader of Newcastle City Council, said: “Newcastle has so much to offer, from shopping to restaurants and bars. We want to make sure as many people as possible can take advantage of these.

“We recognise that a trip to busy town centres can be challenging for blind, partially sighted people and disabled people. We are really pleased to have had the opportunity to work with RNIB and various disability organisations to create a Street Charter. It will help raise awareness about how everyone can do their bit to help make our streets safer and more accessible.”

Find out more

For more information visit www.rnib.org.uk/onmystreet

The above news release was issued by Newcastle City Council and included on the Newcastle City Council website. It has been included here for information and does not necessarily represent the views of High West Jesmond Residents’ Association.