Postponed – High West Jesmond Community Picnic

High West Jesmond Community Picnic on Sunday 16 June 2024


We are saddened to announce the postponement of the event scheduled for Sunday 16 June 2024 due to the soggy venue and a 70% risk of rain on Sunday.  We will be back in touch in due course, if and when the British Summer arrives!  Our apologies if this spoils any plans that you might have had for Sunday.

Everyone welcome!

Come along and join in the festivities in High West Jesmond.

The High West Jesmond Community Picnic will take place on Sunday 16 June 2024 from 1pm onwards.

Bring along your picnic rugs/ chairs/ tables/ food and drink.

Community sharing table

It would be so much appreciated if you could bring a little bit extra food and put it on the sharing table for all to enjoy – last year this was a great success!

Further details

Games and activities


Plants for sale

There will be NO CHARGE for attending this event.

Please bring cash for the tombola or if you wish to buy plants.

Location, Date and Time

Location – Little Dene Park (corner of Moorfield and Lodore Road, High West Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne).

Date – Sunday 16 June 2024.

Time – from 1pm.

Organised by

This High West Jesmond community event is being organised by volunteers from the High West Jesmond Residents’ Association and the Friends of the Valley, Little Dene and Little Dene Park (FOVALD).

We hope that you can join us and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday 16 June.